Sending fireflies in memory of 11thHour

Sending T-shirts

When choosing your shirt, make sure that it is at least 50% cotton, is light enough to show the black ink, is low in texture, and has enough flat uninterrupted space to print the design requested. Also, I use the term shirt here, but please feel free to send things other than shirts such as sweatshirts, bags, fabric, etc to be printed as long as it fits the criteria I mentioned.

Please send your shirts and/or printables, $5 donation per print and return postage, checks payable to Kira Lehman, no later than Friday, November 11th to:

Browncoat Kiraboo
365 River Road
Eugene, OR 97404 U.S.A.

**Please keep in mind that these are not being printed for re-selling purposes so don't take advantage of the Browncoaty fun if you have such misdeeds in mind.

***Please read the disclaimer.

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Buying T-shirt Blanks

You can buy the following shirt blanks for $20ea plus $5 per print and shipping:
  • Choose your shirt style. If you want a basic unisex t-shirt Canvas is your choice. If you are looking for a ladies cut there are two choices, Gildan has normal ladies sizing, and the second choice is Bella which usually runs in teen sizes.

  • Fill out the order form.

  • Send your payment via Paypal. If you don't have a Paypal account and don't want to create one send a check or money order to Kira Lehman 365 River Road Eugene, OR 97404. All international purchases must be made via Paypal since it has a currency conversion function. Shipping for international orders will have to be determined case by case. **All orders must be made by Friday, November 11th.**
**Please keep in mind that these are not being printed for re-selling purposes so don't take advantage of the Browncoaty fun if you have such misdeeds in mind.

***Please read the disclaimer.

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What if there is a mishap with the printable you sent?

When sending in your printables (shirt, bag, fabric, coat, etc.), be advised that The EugeneBrowncoats will not assume responsibility for exact printable replacement or initial shipping costs should there be a mishap. It is at your own risk. Although it rarely happens, the printing process is not perfect, and shirt and printable replacement would be too difficult and costly. If a mishap occurs, we will contact you and give you the following options to choose from: receive a refund of the printing portion and return postage, send in a new printable and try again, or choose one of the three blank shirt options shown here.

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Last Updated: Wednesday, October 12, 2011